Featured Project
Intricate additions and renovations to The Williams School, located in the historic Ghent section of Norfolk, provided a more unified and cohesive academic program while increasing the functionality of the spaces. The project was completed over several years and designed to complement both the neighborhood and the surrounding historic Ghent context.
The project consisted of two phases. In the first phase, PMA was tasked with identifying and designing improvements to the original 1890’s eclectic Victorian-style house and 1970’s contemporary addition. Classrooms were expanded and the basement and third floor were accessed and renovated through exterior alterations and the addition of a new stairway. Exterior alterations were designed to fit the period and style of the original structure.
In Phase II, PMA designed renovations and additions to the Williams School Humanities Center, an historic 8,500 square foot Romanesque-style house located across the street from the original school. Renovations included the design of a new library, administration offices, classroom, and lunchroom. Upon final completion, the project was submitted to VDHR and for state tax credits.