Featured Project
The Riverside Diagnostic Center is located in the Riverside Medical Office Building in Hampton. The 10,800 facility was a direct result of PMA's evaluation of Riverside's diagnostics facilities. Included in the project are an imaging suite with CAT Scanner, Diagnostic Radiology, and Radiography / Fluoroscopy Rooms, Nuclear Medicine and a Women’s Health Care Suite with a mobile diagnostic bay. The interior was inspired by the Riverside corporate identity to be warm and inviting with the use of natural materials and earth tones. Smaller waiting areas throughout the center flip the model of the more typical large, impersonal medical experience. Simple gestures, such as the angling of corridor walls, allow for more private spaces for patients awaiting treatment. Interior way-finding is enhanced by shifts in ceiling and floor-patterns. Accent walls highlighted with calming artwork shield the entrances, providing privacy and reinforcing the Riverside model of a warm and inviting patient experience.